Wellbeing Garden / Shining Bright Futures

We are really pleased to support this imitative with The Coleshill School & Shining Bright Futures to help them achieve their aspirations to create a wellbeing garden and a teaching space that could support the school as well as the local community (at weekends). 

The health benefits and the promotion of sustainability it has been well documented that an allotment can provide a platform for improving social interaction and well-being. The project is already underway and Shining Bright Futures have recruited resources and expertise from local businesses and farmers to assist the students in the regeneration of piece of land on the school site that has now been cleared for the next phase of the project.

The refurbishment of the garden would enhance these opportunities and offer a safe space for students and allow students to see the benefit of the outside and the impact of mental health, growing produce and the reward, and satisfaction that can be gained


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Lady Plumb Award 2019